We Prescribe a Book
Are you having a hard day these days?
We will prescribe a book just for you.
자연은 나만의 또 다른 교과서
Our Mission
Our Value
특별히 독서대전, 세계 책의 날, 파주 어린이 책잔치 등
독서 관련 행사에서 책처방 행사를 연중으로 해오고 있었다.
2019년 3월부터 서울 책보고(국내 최대 중고서점)에서 매월 주제별 북 큐레이션을 전시하며,
책처방전(월 2회)과 독서특강을 진행했었다.
2024년 현재 서울책보고에서 가족 독서상담을 매월 진행하고 있다.
Lectures & Activities
그동안 강의 및 활동
Since 2003, I have been planning and lecturing on reading therapy (reading psychology counseling) and omnidirectional reading methods in various places nationwide, including libraries, offices of education, women’s human resource development centers, school books, military units, schools (elementary, middle, high, and large), companies, bookstores, book cafes, hospitals, and local governments. In addition, I am planning various reading-related events and consulting programs such as reading small groups, book prescriptions, and book curations. Currently, I am running the omnidirectional reading psychology counseling institute, and I am running the Naver blog PatchAdams nicknamed ‘Book Golnam’ and ‘Book Recipe Doctor’. In 2021, I finally applied for a patent as <How to classify reading psychology counseling through the omnidirectional reading method>.
Our Dream
영혼을 치유하는 곳으로 다시 태어나게 하는 것이다.
이를 위해 전방향 분류법과 독서법을 적용한 크리닉 라이브러리를 세운다.
이곳은 헌책방 같기도 하며 약국 같기도 하며 상담실 같기도 할 것이다.
도서관의 소그룹을 통한 마을 공동체의 공공재 역할을 하도록 하는 것입니다.
My calling in life wakes up the sleeping giant library
It is to make the soul reborn as a place to heal.
To this end, we establish a clinic library with omnidirectional classification and reading methods.
This place would be like a used bookstore, a pharmacy, or a counseling room.
It is to serve as a public good for the village community through a small group of libraries.
< The future is not about waiting, but about what it is about doing now>